Bibliography: Ajanta

Note. The following works have been cited / referenced in different pages of this website. Clicking on the in-text citations in those pages or posts will bring the user to this page.

Begley, W. E. 1966. The Chronology of Mahāyāna Buddhist Architecture and Painting at Ajaṇṭā, = Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania, Ann Arbor.

Burgess, James. 1879. Notes on the Bauddha Rock-Temples of Ajanta, their Paintings and Sculptures, and on the Paintings in the Bagh Caves, Modern Bauddha Mythology etc., = Archaeological Survey of Western India 9, Bombay.

—. 1883a. Report on the Buddhist Cave Temples and Their Inscriptions… Archaeological Survey of Western India. Vol. IV. London: Trubner & Co.

—. 1883b. Report on the Elura Cave Temples and the Brahmanical and Jaina Caves in Western India… Archaeological Survey of Western India. Vol. V. London: Trubner & Co.

Chandra, Lokesh. 2005. ‘Ajanta: Aesthesis of Beauty and Beyond.” In: Ajanta: A Multimedia and Virtual Walk-through CD-ROM on the Art, Architecture, and Epigraphy . Compiled/edited by Rajesh Kumar Singh (Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts).

Dahejia, Vidya. 1972. Early Buddhist Rock Temples, A Chronological Study (London: Thames and Hudson Ltd.).

Dhavalikar, M. K. 1984. Late Hinayana Caves of Western India. Pune: Deccan College Post Graduate and Research Institute.

Dhavalikar, M. K. 2005. ‘Ellora,’ in: Monumental Legacy series (New Delhi: Oxford University Press).

Fergusson, James, and James Burgess. 1880. The Cave Temples of India (London: W. H. Allen). Repr. Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 2000.

Foucher, A. 1921. ‘Lettre d’Ajanta,’ in: Journal Asiatique, p. 201–245; = Rapport préliminaire sur l’interprétation des peintures et sculptures d’Ajanta, Bombay 1920; (trans.): ‘Preliminary Report on the Interpretation of the Paintings and Sculptures of Ajanta,’ in: Journal of the Hyderabad Archaeological Society 5, 1919–1920, p. 50–111.

—. 1919. Les représentations de Jātaka dans l’art boudhique, = Memoires concernant l’Asie Orientale, 3, Paris.

—. 1911. ‘Essai de classement chronologique des diverses versions du Ṣaḍdanta jātaka,’ in: Mélanges Sylvain Lévi, Paris; (trans.): ‘The Six-Tusked Elephant, An Attempt at a Chronological Classification of the Various Versions of the Shaḍdanta-Jātaka, in: Beginnings of Buddhist Art and Other Essays, London 1918, p. 185–204.

Gokhale, Shobhana. 1991. Kanheri Inscriptions (Pune: Deccan College Post Graduate and Research Institute).

Goloubew, V. 1927. Documents pour servir à l’étude d’Ajanta, Les peintures de la premiére grotte = Ars Asiatica 10, Paris.

Griffiths, J. 1896–1897. The Paintings in the Buddhist Cave-Temples of Ajanta, Khandesh, India, 1, Pictorial Subjects, 2, Decorative Details, London; repr. New Delhi 1983.

Lalou, M. 1925. Trois récits du Dulva reconnus dans les peintures d’Ajanta, in: Journal Asiatique, Paris, p. 333–337.

Lüders, H. 1902. ‘Ārya-Śūra’s Jātakamālā und die Fresken von Ajantā,’ in: Nachrichten von der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Göttingen, p. 758–762; repr. in: Philologica Indica, Göttingen, 1940, p. 73–77; tran. J. Burgess, in: Indian Antiquary 32, Bombay, 1903, p. 326–328.

Nagaraju, S. 1981. Buddhist Architecture of Western India, c. 250 B.C.–c. A.D. 300. Delhi: Agam Kala Prakashan.

Oldenburg, S. F. 1895. ‘Zamétki o buddijskom iskusstve,’ in: Vostocnyaja Zamétki, St. Petersburg, p. 337–365; (trans.): ‘Notes on Buddhist Art,’ in: Journal of the American Oriental Society 18, New Haven, 1897, p. 183–201.

Schlingloff, Dieter. 2013. Ajanta— Handbook of the Paintings 1, Narrative Wall Paintings, I-III (New Delhi: IGNCA and Aryan Books International).

—. 1999. A Guide to the Ajanta Paintings 1: Narrative Wall Paintings (Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal).

—. 1995. ‘A Fortified Palace in an Ancient Painting,’ in: Śri Nāgābhinandanam, Dr. M. S. Nagaraja Rao Festschrift, Bangalore, p. 435–44.

—. 1993. ‘Wandmalereien aus dem alten Indien,’ in: Einsichten, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munchen 1, p. 9–14.

—. 1987. Studies in the Ajanta Paintings, Identifications and Interpretations (Delhi: Ajanta Publications).

—. 1986. ‘Śibi-Sarvaṃdada,’ in: Ṛtam 16–18, Lucknow, 1984–1986, p. 299–308.

—. 1983. ‘Ein Zyklus des Buddhalebens in Ajanta,’ in: Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens 27, Wien, p. 113–148; trans. in: Schlingloff 1987, chapter 2.

—. 1977a. ‘Die Jātaka-Darstellungen in Höhle 16 von Ajanta, in: Beiträge zur Indienforschung, E. Waldschmidt zum 80. Geburststag gewidmet, Berlin, p. 451-478.

—. 1977b. ‘Zwei Malereien in Höhle 1 von Ajanta,’ in: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, Supplement, 3, 2 (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz GmbH & Co. KG), p. 912–917.

—. 1977c. ‘König Prabhāsa und der Elefant,’ in: Indologica Taurinensia 5, Torino, p. 139–152.

—. 1976. ‘Kalyāṇakārin’s Adventures,’ in: Artibus Asiae 38, Ascona, p. 5–28.

—. 1973a. ‘Prince Sudhana and the Kinnarī,’ in: Indologica Taurinensia 1, Torino, p. 155–167.

—. 1973b. ‘A Battle Painting in Ajanta,’ in: Indologen-Tagung 1971, Wiesbaden, p. 196–203.

—. 1972. ‘Jātakamālā-Darstellungen in Ajanta,’ in: Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Süd- und Ostasiens 16, p. 55–65.

Singh, Rajesh Kumar. 2019. Ajanta Paintings, 2nd. ed., A compilation of 84 abridged narratives (Baroda: Hari Sena Press).

—. 2017. Ajanta Cave No. 1: Documented According to the Corpus by Dieter Schlingloff = Photographic Compendium of Ajanta Narrative Paintings, vol. 1 (Baroda: Hari Sena Press).

—. 2012. An Introduction to the Ajanta Caves: With Examples of Six Caves (Baroda: Hari Sena Press).

—. 2009. Ajanta: History and Development. Vol. 4. Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Year by Year. Leiden, Boston: Brill.

Vogel, J. Ph. (Review). 1948. G. Yazdani, Ajanta, 3, in: Artibus Asiae 11, Ascona, p. 153–157.

Yazdani, G. 1955. Ajanta: Monochrome Reproductions of the Ajanta Frescoes Based on Photography, vol. IV (London: Oxford University Press).

—. 1946. Ajanta: Monochrome Reproductions of the Ajanta Frescoes Based on Photography, vol. III (London: Oxford University Press).

Zin, Monika, and Dieter Schlingloff. 2007. Saṃsāracakra: Das Rad der Wiedergeburten in der Indischen Überlieferung, = Buddhismus-Studien, 6 (Dusseldorf: Eine Veroffentlichung des EKO-Hauses der Japanischen Kulture e. V.).

—. 2003a. Ajanta—Handbuch der Malereine / Handbook of the Paintings 2, Devotionale und Ornamentale Malereien / Ornamental and Devotional Paintings (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz), German. English trans. in press (New Delhi: IGNCA).

—. 2003b. A Guide to the Ajanta Paintings 2—Devotional and Ornamental Paintings, I-II (Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal).

—. 2000. ‘Two Nāga-stories in the Oldest Paintings in Ajanta IX,’ in: South Asian Archaeology 1997, Roma, p. 1171–1199.

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