Tag: Ajanta mural

  • #38. Mahoṣadha

    #38. Mahoṣadha

    Ajanta cave 1 The narrative was identified by Goloubew (1927, 16). A prince was banished from his kingdom due to a court intrigue. He managed to reach Videha, his uncle’s kingdom. Shortly, the uncle died. So, the prince was crowned as the king of Videha. He found that there were six very corrupt ministers. So,…

  • #59. Śaṅkhapāla

    #59. Śaṅkhapāla

    Ajanta Cave 1 The narrative was identified by Foucher (1921, narrative no. 13). A nāga (serpent) king named Śaṅkhapāla visited a hermit to find out the reason behind his rejection of the worldly life. The hermit instructs the nāga king that he must practice asceticism to be reborn as a human. Thereafter when Śaṅkhapāla was…

  • #40. Sudhana

    #40. Sudhana

    The narrative was identified by Dieter Schlingloff (1973a, 155–167). Summary of the story There was a nāga (one of a race of semi-human serpents) prince who ruled over a kingdom abutting his father, the nāga king’s, kingdom. Once a snake charmer sent by a human king to capture the nāga prince was killed by a…

  • #75. Udrāyaṇa

    #75. Udrāyaṇa

    Ajanta Cave 1 The narrative was identified by Dieter Schlingloff (1987, 60). The legend is from the life of the Buddha.—King Udrāyaṇa of Roruka received a painting, representing the Buddha, as a gift from his friend, Bimbisāra, the king of Rājagṛha. Udrāyaṇa was so impressed by this painting that he summoned a monk to preach…