Category: Painting

  • Ajanta Cave 2: non-narrative paintings

    Devotional Porch: Bodhisattva King in a Mountainous Landscape Hall: Buddha Series & Bodhisattva King in a Mountainous Landscape Manibhadra-Purnabhadra shrine Hariti-Kubera shrine Shrine antechamber Shrine Decorative Ceiling Paintings Related Images:

  • Ajanta Cave 2: narrative paintings

    Hamsa, Ruru & Vidhura, Kshantivadin, Shibi Kapota, Maitribala, Prabhasa, Bhuridatta, Mahapratihara Vidhura Bhagvatprasuti Purna Related Images:

  • #61. Bhūridatta

    #61. Bhūridatta

    Cave No. 2 Identification: Schlingloff 2013.— A nāga (serpent) king sent his representatives to propose to the daughter of the king of Banaras. But the king was not agreeable to the concept of a human-nāga union. Later, he agreed on the condition that the nāgas would not harm anybody. After marriage, the princess gave birth…

  • #54. Prabhāsa

    #54. Prabhāsa

    Cave No. 2 Identification: Schlingloff 2013. For the story, vide Cave 1, No. 53. —Source: Singh 2019, 31-33; Related Images:

  • #34. Kṣāntivādin

    #34. Kṣāntivādin

    Identification: Oldenburg (1895, narrative no. 12); Lüders (1902, p. 758 f. = trans. 1903, p. 326 f.).—There was an ascetic, Kṣāntivādin (Preacher of Meekness and Forgiveness), who lived and preached in a forest. On a hot summer’s day, a king came to the forest with his female companions. They took a communal dip in pond.…

  • #51. Maitrībala

    #51. Maitrībala

    Cave No. 2 Identification: Lüders (1902, p. 761 f. = trans. 1903, p. 328). For the story, vide Cave 1, No. 50. —Source: Singh 2019, 31-33; cf. Schlingloff 2013, I, 238-241 Related Images:

  • #47. Śibi-Kapota

    #47. Śibi-Kapota

    Cave No. 2 Identification: Schlingloff (1977, p. 57–68). For the story, vide Cave 1, narrative no. 46. —Source: Singh 2019, 31-33; Related Images:

  • #13. Haṃsa

    #13. Haṃsa

    Cave No. 2 Identification: Oldenburg (1895, narrative no. 1).— A king of the geese (haṃsas) lived on the shores of a lake in the Himalayas with his general and a huge flock of geese. Sages and commoners alike admired their beauty and wisdom, which even became a topic in the assemblies of kings. On hearing…

  • #65. Bhagavatprasūti

    #65. Bhagavatprasūti

    Cave No. 2 Identification: some episodes by Foucher (1921), others by Schlingloff (1983; 1987), cf. Schlingloff (2013, vol. I, p. 378). The legend is from the life of the Buddha.— When the time had come for the Bodhisattva to have his last rebirth, celestial hymns were chanted. After that, he went to the assembly of…

  • #89. Mahāprātihārya

    #89. Mahāprātihārya

    Cave No. 2 Identification: Foucher (1921, narrative no. 57). The legend is from the life of the Buddha.—For the abstract of the story, vide narrative no. 88. —Source: Singh 2019, 31-33; Schlingloff 2013, I, 488-490 Related Images: